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Finally An Anglican Conference Worth Attending | GOF60

This week I offer some afterglow thoughts of the Anglican Connection Conference in Dallas Texas. To say that I’m still buzzing is an understatement. I was thrilled with the entire event. But what made this gathering particularly meaningful was just how my journey to this moment finally made sense to me. Whereas before I questioned whether or not I fit somewhere in the Anglican world, I can safely say, I’m so glad to be an Evangelical Anglican.

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This Episode’s Topic: The Anglican Connection Conference

Show Segments

Theology On The Street — Martin Luther

Martin Luther is one of the most influential theologians of the Protestant Reformation, but very often his insights get overshadowed by other thinkers. For Grace Nation, Luther is critical to read to make sense of how to apply God’s grace to everyday life.

Smitty’s Tip of the Week — Martin Luther’s “The Freedom of the Christian.”

 To get started reading Luther, I recommend picking up the Luther Study Edition of The Freedom of a Christian.


Feature Presentation — The Anglican Connection

To better understand why this issue matters, consider a time in your life where suddenly all of your past headaches and experiences made sense. That’s what it was like for me. In this segment, I review the impact of the Anglican Connection conference and the hope I have for a future movement and restoration of Classic Evangelicalism in North America.

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